CTS Europe
Potent Powder Weighing Enclosures
Also known as Vented Balance Enclosures, VBEs, Safety Work Benches, or Powder hoods. These are specifically designed for the weighing and manipulation of hazardous. Read More.
Climate Controlled Laboratory Enclosures
ClimateZone™ Enclosure systems are designed to provide a safe, climatically controlled environment for the handling of sensitive pharmaceutical drug compounds. The ClimateZone™ Enclosure provides users with a variety of selectable temperature and humidity profiles, Typically used for Inhalation testing and handling of moisture sensitive drugs. Read More.
Instrument Enclosures
Instrument enclosures and LEV systems offer safe handling environments for larger laboratory equipment and handling processes such as, particle size analysis, freeze drying, spray drying, TGA, sieving and sample handling activities. Read More.
Gloveboxes And Isolators
Gloveboxes and Isolators are designed to provide a sealed environment for carrying out various activities in the laboratory. Our Glovebox and isolator systems can be used to provide Low Humidity or Low Oxygen Environments as well as provide high levels of containment. Read More.
CTS Provide Safe Handling Environments to independent laboratories as well as some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.
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To discuss potential applications for containment, to request catalogues and quotations or to enquire further company and/or product details, please fill in the short form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sister Sites
Lab-Bubble™ is a low cost, re-circulatory fume hood system, fully performance tested and designed as an entry unit to the general laboratory market. lab-bubble.com
Specialists in the supply of glovebox gloves for laboratory applications. We aim to supply the best solution for your glovebox application. gloveboxgloves.co.uk
KI-DISCUS™ is the world leading technology for testing microbiological safety cabinets through the unique potassium iodide test. kidiscus.com