Instrument Enclosures
Unique flexible approach to enclosing instrumentation and laboratory processes for the handling and analysis of potent powders.
Safe Product Handling and Testing Environments
Testing of pharmaceutical drug compounds in the laboratory can present exposure risks to the analyst. Small quantities of airborne contaminants are present during testing and powder handling activities when using test instruments and carrying out sample preparation activities. CTS Instrument Enclosures and LEV Enclosure systems provide a safe handling and testing environment t for analysts that are working with active or potent drug compounds.
Ease of Use
CTS Instrument enclosures and LEV systems are design around the instrument or activity they are being used for. The ease of access allows the analyst to work comfortably whilst maintaining a safe contained environment for drug powder handling. The flexible design makes installation and future upgrade easy as the needs of the laboratory change. The unique constant airflow sash design means excellent containment with the advantage of low energy use.
Simple to Integrate
Instrument Enclosure systems systems can operate independently from the laboratory house extract system and are also portable enough to be relocated if required. Our systems are typically provided with integrated HEPA filtration that allows local safe filter change. The extract air from our systems can be exhausted from the laboratory at a fixed rate, or, if required, recirculated to save on energy and air handling costs.
Other Laboratory Safety Enclosures
Climatically controlled environments for handling sensitive pharmaceutical drug compounds.