Potent Powder Weighing Enclosures

CTS ST1 Potent Powder Weighing Enclosures are the recognised worldwide leader for safe weighing environments

CTS Potent Powder Weighing Enclosures guaranteed balance stability whilst providing proven protection from exposure to potent compounds.

Weighing is one of the most common activities carried out in a laboratory and has been identified as one of the most obvious sources of airborne contamination, exposing analysts to drug compounds that they are handling. The reason for this is that the analyst will often be weighing small quantities (mg’s) of active pharmaceutical drug using very precise analytical balances. During this task, the analyst will be in close proximity to the balance and very likely within a ‘breathing zone’ of 300mm from the active drug. It is important to protect the analyst from airborne particulates present when handling drug powders as drugs can have pharmacological affects at low nanogram levels. This is a concentration that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Sensitive analytical balances can be used to weigh milligram quantities of powders. The performance of analytical balances is greatly affected by air turbulence and vibration.

Balances require a solid vibration free base and a turbulence free environment. Placing a balance inside a fume hood will not allow the user to carry out the weighing task effectively. This is because fume hoods are not designed to provide vibration free and turbulence free environments.

CTS and a1-safetech potent powder weighing enclosures can operate independently from the laboratory house extract system and are also portable enough to be relocated if required. CTS systems are typically provided with integrated HEPA filtration that allows local safe filter change. The extract air from our systems can be exhausted from the laboratory at a fixed rate, or, if required, recirculated to save on energy and air handling costs.

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