Air Handling Recommendations for Pharmaceutical Laboratories handling drugs category 3 & 4.
HEPA filtration of exhaust air is recommended for areas handling Category 3 substances and required for areas handling Category 4 substances. The air leaving these areas must be clean and contamination-free.
A minimum of 15 air changes per hour is recommended for areas handling Category 3 substances and required for areas handling Category 4.
Air Handling Recommendations for Pharmaceutical Laboratories, handling drugs category 3 & 4, regarding the delivery of supply air into the laboratory.
Room supply air should be 100% outside air. Laboratory room air should not be re-circulated. Recirculation of room air increases the potential for concentration of potentially hazardous gases, vapours, and particulate matter in the laboratory (even when return air is filtered).
The distribution of supply air to the laboratory should minimize creation of air currents in the room; turbulence near open-faced hoods will decrease their effectiveness in containing hazardous airborne substances.
Perforated ceiling panels should be considered to introduce air in a smooth, downward laminar-like flow, minimizing air turbulence.
Attention should be given to maintaining a steady temperature profile within the laboratory, so as to avoid isothermic drafts which will add to air turbulence.
Read more about safety design aspects of pharmaceutical laboratories regarding the following areas:
- Building Design Criteria
- Local Exhaust Ventilation Controls
- Specific Engineering Controls for Potent Compounds