Biological Safety Cabinets

  Biological safety cabinets (BSC) will provide both product and operator protection, this is achieved by recirculating HEPA-filtered air within the cabinet as well as providing an inflow at the face opening. Biological safety cabinets are specifically designed for the handling of samples that present a biological hazard.   Design...

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Mobile Fume Hoods: Design, Performance & Positioning

Mobile fume hoods are generally designed as a recirculatory system providing exposure protection from Volatile Organic Substances (VOC’s). Typical applications that a mobile system will be suitable for are: Titration, Karl Fischer analysis, General Solvent Handling, Solvent Disposal etc. Design Features & Performance Criteria Mobile Fume Hoods should perform to...


Specific Engineering Controls for Potent Compound Handling

Strategically designed engineering controls should be selected and employed, as appropriate, as the primary means of reducing occupational health risks. Specific engineering controls for potent compound handling include Isolator/Glovebox technology, wherein work processes are physically contained within an isolation chamber that an operator may access via glove ports. Ventilated Balance...

Local Exhaust Ventilation Controls for Pharmaceutical Laboratories

General Guidance for Local Exhaust Ventilation Controls: Providing effective extraction and filtration for localized containment systems. Each laboratory should be equipped with enough fume cupboards and ventilated enclosures for the work anticipated. Fume cupboards should be connected to a high volume, low static, mechanical exhaust system. Emission control or stack...

Safety Design Aspects of Pharmaceutical Laboratories

Safety Design Aspects of Pharmaceutical Laboratories.The safe handling of potent compounds within a laboratory environment can be best accomplished by adopting a containment strategy which addresses two defined areas of control:The building design, which includes the air handling facilities and built in control measures such as airlocks, laboratory layout and...